作者:柠檬薄荷猫      更新:2023-07-13 03:06      字数:14775
  这真的是行走的衣架!太专业了!唐笑笑担心之余也不免佩服乔纳斯的专业。掉下来的灯光罩仿佛什么都不影响。灯光师直接过去捡起来,第二个模特已经登场了。“都不去检查一下的嘛?这也太危险了!”唐笑笑忍不住去找乔纳斯。“其实这种情况很常见。”乔纳斯抱着唐笑笑安慰,又和她科普了一些业内的常事,“因为场地昂贵、模特的时间紧张,一般不管怎么样,彩排都不会停下。而且模特的权益一直很难保障。等这次彩排结束,会再次确认现场安全的。总归不会在正式秀场上出问题。”“有点危险。”唐笑笑都忍不住心疼了。模特这个职业看起来光鲜亮丽,但是实际上要吃很多苦啊。像乔纳斯坚持健身不说,在每次走秀前都要节食加强锻炼。而且不管男模女模都是青春饭,模特必须要在有限的时间里成名,以便赚足够的钱应对过早结束的职业寿命。乔纳斯结束这边的彩排之后,立马驱车去了第二家品牌的秀场。下午5点,乔纳斯结束了一天的行程。下班之后,他就带着唐笑笑去吃了一顿法国大餐。唐笑笑和他聊了很多关于模特这个职业的事情,她现在终于明白乔纳斯有多么辛苦了。而乔纳斯工作重心在欧洲,但是他的生活重心却为了她放在了中国。乔纳斯所承受的,比她想象得更多一些。饭后,回到乔纳斯在巴黎的公寓,唐笑笑第一次提出有关两人未来的一些问题:“乔纳斯,你有想过以后怎么办吗?”唐笑笑坐在沙发上,神情凝重。她其实不想在他工作这么忙的时候提出这些问题的,但是乔纳斯想方设法走进她们家,她也不得不开始考虑以后的事情。而这些矛盾的地方,都避免不了。乔纳斯看着唐笑笑严肃的神情,感觉到得却是愉悦:“笑笑,这个问题,我也已经考虑过了。”乔纳斯坐到唐笑笑身边,伸手将她拢入怀中,“等我们有了第一个孩子,我就结束我的模特生涯,将重心放在你身上。我想在中国创立一个服装品牌,这样我就完全走到了后台,以后也就来欧洲办办秀展。等我们婚后,可以每年去荷兰住一阵子陪陪我的父母朋友。”其实这样乔纳斯放弃了太多了,唐笑笑觉得愧疚:“朋友不经常在一起会生疏的。你是为了我放弃你的朋友。”乔纳斯想得很开:“我是那种结婚后更愿意和家里人在一起的类型。总要做出选择的不是吗?而且这也不算什么,你不要多想,人生每个阶段都在和过去告别。每个阶段都会有不同的朋友,很少有朋友可以陪着你一辈子。在新的阶段,我总会遇到新的朋友。”乔纳斯的说法让唐笑笑稍微好受了一点。“而且我最好的一个朋友,唐尼,他刚好调职做了亚太这边的经理,工作地就在s市,等他做到亚太主席还得很多年。”这个消息让唐笑笑心里更加好受了一些。同时,她也下定决心,尽快发展自己的事业,将来可以腾出更多的时间,陪乔纳斯回到他成长的地方。两人说了一会悄悄话,感觉互相间更加坦诚了。唐笑笑也觉得未来终于是可以落在实地的了。第 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章秀场往往是女模的天下,无论是从观众瞩目度来说还是从薪酬来说,女模都超过了男模。乔纳斯在人气收割下已经不逊于顶尖女模,虽说他已经得到了业界足够的重视,但是一般大秀并不会破例让他的女友来后台围观。所以这几天都是乔纳斯一个人赶赴秀场,而唐笑笑在他经纪人的陪同下去游玩了巴黎的著名景点。今天要彩排的是鹰牌的秀场,这是一场女装秀。每年最赚钱的秀都是女装秀。鹰牌家的女装秀会有男模串场,以起到点睛之笔。总的来说,这依然是一次以女模为主的大秀。后台,混乱的景象并没有因为这是一个大品牌而有丝毫的缓解。乔纳斯和其他几个男模在用白色布料围起来的一个小区域进行试装。鹰牌家的服装一如既往的难穿。这个难穿不是指它的材质不好或者设计不合理,而是在于他们家风格艳丽,男模很难驾驭。乔纳斯倒是适应良好,他要穿的是一套有点传教士风格的服饰。衣服上绘了两片缠绕的枝蔓,上面有着一片片抽象的红色花朵。虽然说样衣服是教皇法衣类似的样式,但是却被乔纳斯穿出了别样的味道。只见他金色的头发被染黑,琉璃般的眼眸仿佛有星光闪耀,他殷红的唇配合着东方混血特有的瓷质肤质,精致得令一众男模失色。当他转动着眼珠,将眼神落在你身上的时候,仿佛得到了垂怜,令人有一种发自骨子里的颤栗。有的人觉得他像神,有人又觉得他像魔。这样的乔纳斯引起了很多同处一室的男模的羡慕嫉妒。乔纳斯试完装,在设计师助理的赞美下平静地一个人坐在一边休息。其他的男模大多数都三三两两地聚在一起说话,乔纳斯很少去掺合他们,因为他就是他们的话题之一!乔纳斯捧着手机坐在一边,和唐笑笑联系的时候,突然感觉到有人轻轻蹭了他的腿一下。乔纳斯抬头,看见一个棕色头发有着小鹿般眼神的大男孩站在自己边上。这个男孩紧张到脸红成一片,大眼睛里甚至都有泪光在闪烁:“嗨……我……乔纳斯你好,我是雷奥庞勃……我可以坐在你边上吗?”这个男孩乔纳斯认识,老佛爷今年的新宠,秀场上暴风起飞的新星。乔纳斯挑了一下眉,伸手示意他随便坐。雷奥仿佛很仰慕他,结结巴巴地在讨论乔纳斯的作品他多么喜欢,乔纳斯的秀场他每一次都看过。乔纳斯只当他是普通的粉丝,也冲他露出和善的微笑。雷奥看见他的笑容更激动了,手偷偷摸上他乔纳斯的衣服,满足地攥着他的衣角。乔纳斯不是冷脸对人的性格,也放下手机找话题和雷奥有一搭没一搭地聊着。乔纳斯很快感受到了这个粉丝的不一般,他可能是他的狂热粉丝。乔纳斯走完自己的场次之后就在旁观他人走秀,发现这个雷奥,走路的形态如此眼熟,简直就是他的翻版!一般来说,成名的模特都或多或少形成自己的风格,这个风格就是他们的标签,是他们在秀场上与众不同的武器。男模虽然没有女模有那么多花样,但是乔纳斯的风格还是不一样的。他在走秀中一直保持一种韵律感。肌肉的完美配合会让他有一种闲庭漫步的优雅。而台上这位模特,无论是摆臂的幅度,还是迈动步伐的方式都是那么像他。仿佛这种模仿已经深入他的骨髓,成为了他的一部分。模仿他的人有一些,但是很少能见到模仿得这么好的。乔纳斯有点吃惊,但是也没有说什么。第 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章本次大秀完美结束后,设计师和品牌方举办了一个秀后宴会,参与其中的很多都是社会名流、明星大咖。而作为参与走秀的模特,很多也会选择留下,看看宴会中是否能得到更多的资源。乔纳斯倒是想回去陪唐笑笑,对宴会不太感兴趣,但是设计师亲自邀请,他还是决定去转一圈。进入会场的时候,派对的气氛已经热起来了。场地中有乐队在演奏蓝调,人们拿着香槟,三三两两地聚在一起说笑。乔纳斯进入场地,一群名媛都关注到了他,一边小口轻抿着酒水,一边拿余光瞟着他。有一位身穿白色连衣裙的女士似乎对自己很是自信,选择了主动出击:“嗨,你是乔纳斯吧?我是你的粉丝,我非常喜欢你的时尚风格哦!”乔纳斯含着礼貌的微笑,向这位女士点头致谢。“今晚的气氛不错,请的乐队也是近期小有名气的乐队了~”女士寻找了几个话题,可惜乔纳斯态度不够热情,这位名媛小姐也理解了乔纳斯的意思,非常礼貌地从他身边离开了。后面有好几个姑娘前来搭讪,都被乔纳斯礼貌地打发走了。乔纳斯被父亲的一个朋友认出,拉着他聊了很久。宴会上的音乐已经变得欢快热烈,乔纳斯有点累了,在边上的沙发上小歇,他准备再过一刻钟就离开宴会。“噢,乔纳斯,你怎么一个人?”设计师见乔纳斯一个人在角落里躲懒,便坐在了他的边上,和他攀谈起来。设计师对亚太市场很有看法,两个人倒是聊得投机。不知不觉间,dj已经上场,有伴的也开始了贴身热舞。设计师很快被邀请走了。乔纳斯放下酒杯,准备现在离开。但是很可惜,他的计划再次被打断,疑似是他狂热粉丝的雷奥一屁股坐在了他的边上。雷奥身上有很浓的酒气,似乎已经喝得有点多了。他脸色微醺,眼角含泪,衣领也被微微扯开。他一坐下,就用微微哽咽的声音说:“乔纳斯,我好喜欢你~”乔纳斯猜想他是自己的粉丝,礼貌回应:“谢谢你的喜欢。”“我喜欢你,你有时候是天使,有时候就好像一个恶魔,这种矛盾感真的好迷人~”雷奥眼睛亮亮的,身体轻轻倚在乔纳斯的手臂上。乔纳斯这下大约知道这位粉丝的意图了,稍微和他聊了几句,便起身告辞。“你要走了吗?走之前我们可以一起合影吗?”雷奥一边说着一边打开了手机摄像头。乔纳斯于是只能同意。雷奥拍了好几张照片,乔纳斯配合地露出笑脸。在拍最后一张照片时,雷奥猛然回头,嘟着嘴,对乔纳斯来了一个贴面吻。乔纳斯诧异地转头,雷奥发出咯咯的笑声,似乎欢快极了。钢铁直男乔纳斯内心无语,飞快起身告辞。回到宾馆,已经很晚了,唐笑笑刚刚洗完澡,穿着浴袍打开了套间的房门。乔纳斯上前给她一个拥抱:“晚安,亲爱的。”------------两天后,唐笑笑带着满满的秀场素材回到了国内。第一时间更新全球时尚资讯的momo现在已经是业内的超级新星了。更快的信息传递使得唐笑笑的整个公司都处于急速上升的状态之中。而另一边,在被墙的大洋彼岸,一组ins合照引起了轩然大波。雷奥将自己偷吻乔纳斯的合照发到了ins上,配文#我好幸福#,使得大家纷纷误会了两人的关系。乔纳斯的母亲比经纪人更早打来电话:“儿子,你知道的,你父母一直是很开明的。但是我们还是不能接受多角关系。我记得你之前有一个女朋友,你们现在关系如何?”乔纳斯被问的一头雾水,老实交代自己准备求婚,圣诞节就要把唐笑笑带给他们看了。乔纳斯母亲这才知道自己误会了乔纳斯,并要求他尽快将儿媳定下。于是,这天上午,唐笑笑出门后,乔纳斯只身前往唐笑笑家中,郑重地向唐国强和黄玲提出,求娶他们的女儿。黄玲很早就知道女儿的事情了,对女婿也很满意。倒是唐国强一脸震惊,处于“什么?我女儿有男朋友了?”“什么?有人和我女儿求婚?”“什么?陪我下棋的小伙竟然别有所图!”的状态。乔纳斯在黄玲的盛情挽留下,在唐家吃了一个中午饭,便回去准备晚上的求婚事宜了。唐笑笑下班后,公司迟迟未见人下班,在小刘的引导下,唐笑笑向楼下走去。公司一群人贼兮兮地笑着,跟在她后面。唐笑笑似乎也预感到了什么,心跳得非常快,脸也红透了。果然,楼下,乔纳斯已经在等着了,地上摆着的是用蜡烛拼成的爱心,俗气而浪漫。乔纳斯穿着西装,拿着话筒,站在爱心的中间。他的兄弟们远道而来,一人一个乐器围着乔纳斯。唐笑笑的朋友们也被邀请过来,围绕着这个爱心。见到唐笑笑离得近了,音乐响起来了,是经典求婚曲目i swear。乔纳斯看着唐笑笑,温柔地唱:i see the questions in your eyesi know what's weighing on your mindyou can be sure i know my heart`coz i'll stand beside you through the yearsyou'll only cry those happy tearsand though i make mistakesi'll never break your heartand i swear by the moon and the stars in the skyi'll be therei swear like a shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my heartand i sweari'll give you every thing i cani'll build your dreams with these two handswe'll hang some memories on the wallsand when just the two of us are thereyou won't have to ask if i still care`coz as the time tus the page, my love won't age at alland i swear by the moon and the stars in the skyi swear like the shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my heartand i sweari swear by the moon and stars in the skyi'll be therei swear like the shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my hearti swear, i swear, oh i swear一首终了,乔纳斯接过朋友递过来的花,打开戒指盒,他单膝跪在了地上:“笑笑,今天,在你我朋友的见证下,在这美丽的夜晚,你是否愿意嫁给我?”“答应他!”“笑笑,快答应他吧!”“笑笑交给你了。答应他吧!”唐笑笑的朋友助攻,乔纳斯的朋友也捏着奇怪的口音起哄着。多么老套的剧情,老套的求婚词啊!唐笑笑想吐槽,但是却湿润了眼眶,她发自内心地欢喜:“我愿意!”-the end-作者有话要说:因为中间发生了一些事情,所以本文就这样结束啦~~总算是完结了,新文也在筹备中。这篇文章写到后面已经全靠毅力在坚持了。因为是第一篇,人物的塑造也比较失败,性格塑造刻板,一点不鲜明。所以感谢现在还在看我文的小仙女们!以后会努力提高文笔的!我们下本文再见!谢谢 陈正正小迷妹的地雷!!!么么哒!最后的请求:关注一下蠢作者吧,下本文存稿中,开文后会尽量坚持一天一更的!!!i know what's weighing on your mindyou can be sure i know my heart`coz i'll stand beside you through the yearsyou'll only cry those happy tearsand though i make mistakesi'll never break your heartand i swear by the moon and the stars in the skyi'll be therei swear like a shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my heartand i sweari'll give you every thing i cani'll build your dreams with these two handswe'll hang some memories on the wallsand when just the two of us are thereyou won't have to ask if i still care`coz as the time tus the page, my love won't age at alland i swear by the moon and the stars in the skyi swear like the shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my heartand i sweari swear by the moon and stars in the skyi'll be therei swear like the shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my hearti swear, i swear, oh i swear一首终了,乔纳斯接过朋友递过来的花,打开戒指盒,他单膝跪在了地上:“笑笑,今天,在你我朋友的见证下,在这美丽的夜晚,你是否愿意嫁给我?”“答应他!”“笑笑,快答应他吧!”“笑笑交给你了。答应他吧!”唐笑笑的朋友助攻,乔纳斯的朋友也捏着奇怪的口音起哄着。多么老套的剧情,老套的求婚词啊!唐笑笑想吐槽,但是却湿润了眼眶,她发自内心地欢喜:“我愿意!”-the end-作者有话要说:因为中间发生了一些事情,所以本文就这样结束啦~~总算是完结了,新文也在筹备中。这篇文章写到后面已经全靠毅力在坚持了。因为是第一篇,人物的塑造也比较失败,性格塑造刻板,一点不鲜明。所以感谢现在还在看我文的小仙女们!以后会努力提高文笔的!我们下本文再见!谢谢 陈正正小迷妹的地雷!!!么么哒!最后的请求:关注一下蠢作者吧,下本文存稿中,开文后会尽量坚持一天一更的!!!i know what's weighing on your mindyou can be sure i know my heart`coz i'll stand beside you through the yearsyou'll only cry those happy tearsand though i make mistakesi'll never break your heartand i swear by the moon and the stars in the skyi'll be therei swear like a shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my heartand i sweari'll give you every thing i cani'll build your dreams with these two handswe'll hang some memories on the wallsand when just the two of us are thereyou won't have to ask if i still care`coz as the time tus the page, my love won't age at alland i swear by the moon and the stars in the skyi swear like the shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my heartand i sweari swear by the moon and stars in the skyi'll be therei swear like the shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my hearti swear, i swear, oh i swear一首终了,乔纳斯接过朋友递过来的花,打开戒指盒,他单膝跪在了地上:“笑笑,今天,在你我朋友的见证下,在这美丽的夜晚,你是否愿意嫁给我?”“答应他!”“笑笑,快答应他吧!”“笑笑交给你了。答应他吧!”唐笑笑的朋友助攻,乔纳斯的朋友也捏着奇怪的口音起哄着。多么老套的剧情,老套的求婚词啊!唐笑笑想吐槽,但是却湿润了眼眶,她发自内心地欢喜:“我愿意!”-the end-作者有话要说:因为中间发生了一些事情,所以本文就这样结束啦~~总算是完结了,新文也在筹备中。这篇文章写到后面已经全靠毅力在坚持了。因为是第一篇,人物的塑造也比较失败,性格塑造刻板,一点不鲜明。所以感谢现在还在看我文的小仙女们!以后会努力提高文笔的!我们下本文再见!谢谢 陈正正小迷妹的地雷!!!么么哒!最后的请求:关注一下蠢作者吧,下本文存稿中,开文后会尽量坚持一天一更的!!!i know what's weighing on your mindyou can be sure i know my heart`coz i'll stand beside you through the yearsyou'll only cry those happy tearsand though i make mistakesi'll never break your heartand i swear by the moon and the stars in the skyi'll be therei swear like a shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my heartand i sweari'll give you every thing i cani'll build your dreams with these two handswe'll hang some memories on the wallsand when just the two of us are thereyou won't have to ask if i still care`coz as the time tus the page, my love won't age at alland i swear by the moon and the stars in the skyi swear like the shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my heartand i sweari swear by the moon and stars in the skyi'll be therei swear like the shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my hearti swear, i swear, oh i swear一首终了,乔纳斯接过朋友递过来的花,打开戒指盒,他单膝跪在了地上:“笑笑,今天,在你我朋友的见证下,在这美丽的夜晚,你是否愿意嫁给我?”“答应他!”“笑笑,快答应他吧!”“笑笑交给你了。答应他吧!”唐笑笑的朋友助攻,乔纳斯的朋友也捏着奇怪的口音起哄着。多么老套的剧情,老套的求婚词啊!唐笑笑想吐槽,但是却湿润了眼眶,她发自内心地欢喜:“我愿意!”-the end-作者有话要说:因为中间发生了一些事情,所以本文就这样结束啦~~总算是完结了,新文也在筹备中。这篇文章写到后面已经全靠毅力在坚持了。因为是第一篇,人物的塑造也比较失败,性格塑造刻板,一点不鲜明。所以感谢现在还在看我文的小仙女们!以后会努力提高文笔的!我们下本文再见!谢谢 陈正正小迷妹的地雷!!!么么哒!最后的请求:关注一下蠢作者吧,下本文存稿中,开文后会尽量坚持一天一更的!!!i know what's weighing on your mindyou can be sure i know my heart`coz i'll stand beside you through the yearsyou'll only cry those happy tearsand though i make mistakesi'll never break your heartand i swear by the moon and the stars in the skyi'll be therei swear like a shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my heartand i sweari'll give you every thing i cani'll build your dreams with these two handswe'll hang some memories on the wallsand when just the two of us are thereyou won't have to ask if i still care`coz as the time tus the page, my love won't age at alland i swear by the moon and the stars in the skyi swear like the shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my heartand i sweari swear by the moon and stars in the skyi'll be therei swear like the shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my hearti swear, i swear, oh i swear一首终了,乔纳斯接过朋友递过来的花,打开戒指盒,他单膝跪在了地上:“笑笑,今天,在你我朋友的见证下,在这美丽的夜晚,你是否愿意嫁给我?”“答应他!”“笑笑,快答应他吧!”“笑笑交给你了。答应他吧!”唐笑笑的朋友助攻,乔纳斯的朋友也捏着奇怪的口音起哄着。多么老套的剧情,老套的求婚词啊!唐笑笑想吐槽,但是却湿润了眼眶,她发自内心地欢喜:“我愿意!”-the end-作者有话要说:因为中间发生了一些事情,所以本文就这样结束啦~~总算是完结了,新文也在筹备中。这篇文章写到后面已经全靠毅力在坚持了。因为是第一篇,人物的塑造也比较失败,性格塑造刻板,一点不鲜明。所以感谢现在还在看我文的小仙女们!以后会努力提高文笔的!我们下本文再见!谢谢 陈正正小迷妹的地雷!!!么么哒!最后的请求:关注一下蠢作者吧,下本文存稿中,开文后会尽量坚持一天一更的!!!i know what's weighing on your mindyou can be sure i know my heart`coz i'll stand beside you through the yearsyou'll only cry those happy tearsand though i make mistakesi'll never break your heartand i swear by the moon and the stars in the skyi'll be therei swear like a shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my heartand i sweari'll give you every thing i cani'll build your dreams with these two handswe'll hang some memories on the wallsand when just the two of us are thereyou won't have to ask if i still care`coz as the time tus the page, my love won't age at alland i swear by the moon and the stars in the skyi swear like the shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my heartand i sweari swear by the moon and stars in the skyi'll be therei swear like the shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my hearti swear, i swear, oh i swear一首终了,乔纳斯接过朋友递过来的花,打开戒指盒,他单膝跪在了地上:“笑笑,今天,在你我朋友的见证下,在这美丽的夜晚,你是否愿意嫁给我?”“答应他!”“笑笑,快答应他吧!”“笑笑交给你了。答应他吧!”唐笑笑的朋友助攻,乔纳斯的朋友也捏着奇怪的口音起哄着。多么老套的剧情,老套的求婚词啊!唐笑笑想吐槽,但是却湿润了眼眶,她发自内心地欢喜:“我愿意!”-the end-作者有话要说:因为中间发生了一些事情,所以本文就这样结束啦~~总算是完结了,新文也在筹备中。这篇文章写到后面已经全靠毅力在坚持了。因为是第一篇,人物的塑造也比较失败,性格塑造刻板,一点不鲜明。所以感谢现在还在看我文的小仙女们!以后会努力提高文笔的!我们下本文再见!谢谢 陈正正小迷妹的地雷!!!么么哒!最后的请求:关注一下蠢作者吧,下本文存稿中,开文后会尽量坚持一天一更的!!!i know what's weighing on your mindyou can be sure i know my heart`coz i'll stand beside you through the yearsyou'll only cry those happy tearsand though i make mistakesi'll never break your heartand i swear by the moon and the stars in the skyi'll be therei swear like a shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my heartand i sweari'll give you every thing i cani'll build your dreams with these two handswe'll hang some memories on the wallsand when just the two of us are thereyou won't have to ask if i still care`coz as the time tus the page, my love won't age at alland i swear by the moon and the stars in the skyi swear like the shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my heartand i sweari swear by the moon and stars in the skyi'll be therei swear like the shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my hearti swear, i swear, oh i swear一首终了,乔纳斯接过朋友递过来的花,打开戒指盒,他单膝跪在了地上:“笑笑,今天,在你我朋友的见证下,在这美丽的夜晚,你是否愿意嫁给我?”“答应他!”“笑笑,快答应他吧!”“笑笑交给你了。答应他吧!”唐笑笑的朋友助攻,乔纳斯的朋友也捏着奇怪的口音起哄着。多么老套的剧情,老套的求婚词啊!唐笑笑想吐槽,但是却湿润了眼眶,她发自内心地欢喜:“我愿意!”-the end-作者有话要说:因为中间发生了一些事情,所以本文就这样结束啦~~总算是完结了,新文也在筹备中。这篇文章写到后面已经全靠毅力在坚持了。因为是第一篇,人物的塑造也比较失败,性格塑造刻板,一点不鲜明。所以感谢现在还在看我文的小仙女们!以后会努力提高文笔的!我们下本文再见!谢谢 陈正正小迷妹的地雷!!!么么哒!最后的请求:关注一下蠢作者吧,下本文存稿中,开文后会尽量坚持一天一更的!!!i know what's weighing on your mindyou can be sure i know my heart`coz i'll stand beside you through the yearsyou'll only cry those happy tearsand though i make mistakesi'll never break your heartand i swear by the moon and the stars in the skyi'll be therei swear like a shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my heartand i sweari'll give you every thing i cani'll build your dreams with these two handswe'll hang some memories on the wallsand when just the two of us are thereyou won't have to ask if i still care`coz as the time tus the page, my love won't age at alland i swear by the moon and the stars in the skyi swear like the shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my heartand i sweari swear by the moon and stars in the skyi'll be therei swear like the shadow that's by your sidei'll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti'll love you with every beat of my hearti swear, i swear, oh i swear一首终了,乔纳斯接过朋友递过来的花,打开戒指盒,他单膝跪在了地上:“笑笑,今天,在你我朋友的见证下,在这美丽的夜晚,你是否愿意嫁给我?”“答应他!”“笑笑,快答应他吧!”“笑笑交给你了。答应他吧!”唐笑笑的朋友助攻,乔纳斯的朋友也捏着奇怪的口音起哄着。多么老套的剧情,老套的求婚词啊!唐笑笑想吐槽,但是却湿润了眼眶,她发自内心地欢喜:“我愿意!”-the end-作者有话要说:因为中间发生了一些事情,所以本文就这样结束啦~~总算是完结了,新文也在筹备中。这篇文章写到后面已经全靠毅力在坚持了。因为是第一篇,人物的塑造也比较失败,性格塑造刻板,一点不鲜明。所以感谢现在还在看我文的小仙女们!以后会努力提高文笔的!我们下本文再见!谢谢 陈正正小迷妹的地雷!!!么么哒!最后的请求:关注一下蠢作者吧,下本文存稿中,开文后会尽量坚持一天一更的!!!